Welcome to the Class-S (and Related) club’s reading of マリア様がみてる 1
第1巻の内容紹介: 純粋培養(ばいよう)の乙女たちが集う、私立リリアン女学園。清く正しい学園生活を受け継いでいくため、高等部には「姉妹(スール)」と呼ばれるシステムが存在していた。ロザリオを授受する儀式を行って姉妹となることを誓うと、姉である先輩が後輩の妹を指導するのである。高等部に進学して、まだ姉を持っていなかった祐巳(ゆみ)は、憧れの『紅薔薇のつぼみ(ロサ・キネンシス・アン・ブゥトン)』である二年生の祥子(さちこ)から、突然「姉妹宣言」をされるが!?
English Summary
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Volume 1 Introduction: Lillian Girls’ Academy is a private school for purely cultured maidens. In order to carry on the pure and correct school life, a system called “sisters (suru)” exists in the upper school. After the students pledged to become sisters through a ceremony in which they received a rosary, the older sisters would mentor the younger sisters. Yumi, who had not yet had an older sister when she entered the upper secondary school, was suddenly declared a “sister” by Sachiko, a sophomore who is the “Rosa Kinensis en bouton” of her dreams.
Content Warnings
Book 1: none that I can think of, tho I’m not at the very end yet
There’s no set schedule. Tho I’ll try to work out a general “end time”, to indicate when the club will move on to the next round of voting/book (still figuring this out, cuz I’m new to the whole informal thing).
Feel free to ask questions, share thoughts, etc, just post chapter (and maybe sections) or pg numbers, and keep things under [details]
or [spoiler]
tags, unless they’re general enough that they wouldn’t be a spoiler even for ppl just starting out.
I’ll probably add a chart of the character names, titles, and relationships, as they are at the beginning of the book, under a details tag here. The ensemble cast kinda gets thrown at you all at once, early on - so it can be a bit much to absorb.
Anyway, looking forward to reading/discussing this with everyone!!
Useful Charts or Other Info
Rose System (from Wikipeda)
Much of the story of Maria-sama ga Miteru revolves around the Yamayuri Council (山百合会, Yamayurikai, lit. “Mountain Lily Council”), which acts as the student council. The Yamayuri Council meets in a building called the Rose Mansion (薔薇の館, Bara no Yakata). It is located within the school and consists of two stories, including a meeting room on the second. The Yamayuri Council itself consists of three offices, named after roses: Persian yellow rose (ロサ・フェティダ, Rosa foetida), Himalayan rose (ロサ・ギガンティア, Rosa gigantia), and Chinese rose (ロサ・キネンシス, Rosa chinensis).[3][12] These are also referred to by their colors; the Yellow Rose (黄薔薇, Kibara) is Rosa foetida, the White Rose (白薔薇, Shirobara) is Rosa gigantea, and the Red Rose (紅薔薇, Benibara) is Rosa chinensis.
Due to the high importance the three Rose families have in the development of the student activities within school, those who become petites sœurs of any of the mentioned families receive a functional “inheritance” through the grandes sœurs teachings, to adopt a position given certain circumstances. In this way, patrons are recognized through the generations of the members of the Rose families. Still, after graduating, the grandes sœurs of the Yamayuri Council may continue with a fair participation in the events concerning their families, as shown in the novels.[13]
A Rose (薔薇, Bara), or Rosa (ロサ), is one of three senior members of the Yamayuri Council. It is also possible to generally speak of all the members of the Yamayuri Council as roses. A Rose makes the critical decisions within this group since she controls the student council. Candidates for the position, which lasts through the school year, are chosen through an election. Any student can run to become a Rose, although the position is usually given to the en boutons, the Roses’ petite sœurs.
The petite sœur of a Rosa is called an en bouton (アン・ブゥトン, an būton), otherwise known as a “rosebud” (薔薇のつぼみ, bara no tsubomi). En bouton is French for “in bud”—as used in the example Rosa Chinensis en bouton—and is unofficially considered part of the Yamayuri Council, as is the petite sœur of the en bouton, if she has one. The en boutons must be in a lower year than their Rosa, and generally, the en boutons execute the plans discussed by the Roses like assistants. Although the Rosa positions of the Yamayuri Council are traditionally passed to the en bouton on the graduation of the current holder, they are nonetheless elected offices that anyone may run for.
The petite sœur of the en bouton is called en bouton petite sœur (アン・ブゥトン・プティ・スール, an būton puti sūru)—as used in the example Rosa Chinensis en bouton petite sœur—and is otherwise known as the “younger sister of a rose bud” (薔薇のつぼみの妹, bara no tsubomi no imōto). She must be in a lower year than her en bouton and performs small duties, such as attending to the Roses’ en boutons, cleaning the Rose Mansion, and making tea and snacks for the Yamayuri Council. This lasts a school year; the following year, when their en bouton is elected as Rosa, the petite sœurs automatically become en boutons.
Yamayuri Council's titles and sœur relationships, at beginning of Book 1
Foetida | Chinensis | Gigantea | |
Rosa ~ | Eriko Torii (third year) | Yōko Mizuno (third year) | Sei Satō (third year) |
Rosa ~ en bouton | Rei Hasekura (second year) | Sachiko Ogasawara (second year) | Shimako Tōdō (first year) |
Rosa ~ en bouton petite sœur | Yoshino Shimazu (first year) | None | None |
Character names (kanji, kana, titles)
Kanji | Kana | Year | Role |
福沢 祐巳 | ふくざわ ゆみ | 1年 | 主人公 |
武島 蔦子 | たけしま つたこ | 1年 | Photoboy |
水野 蓉子 | みずの ようこ | 3年 | Rosa Kinensis |
小笠原 祥子 | おがさわら さちこ | 2年 | Kinesis bouton |
佐藤 聖 | さとう せい | 3年 | Rosa Gigantia |
藤堂 志摩子 | とうどう しまこ | 1年 | Gigantia Bouton |
鳥居 江利子 | とりい えりこ | 3年 | Rosa Fetida |
支倉 令 | はせくら れい | 2年 | Fetida bouton |
島津 由乃 | しまづ よしの | 1年 | Fetida petite soure |
桂 | かつら | 1年 | Yumi classmate |
Anime subtitles
First 3 episodes = LN 1
Maria-sama ga Miteru · Jimaku - not the best selection tho
Maria-sama ga Miteru - Japanese subtitles - kitsunekko.net - should have S1
Note: the zip for season 1 actually only includes subs for 1-5 and 11. the other subs seem to be chinese. S2 doesn’t have Japanese apparently