Chapter 2 | 日本人の心がわかる日本語 | Weeks 4 - 5

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Due to the nature of this book I don’t believe spoiler alerts are necessary, but still make sure to write where you are when you discuss things since you want to give context for people to know what you’re talking about and where to look for it.

Content by Chapter Table
Thread Chapter Pages
:one: 日本語を学ぶ方たちへ 3 - 4
:one: 日本語を教える方たちへ 5 - 6
:one: Chapter 1 11 - 40
:o: Chapter 2 41 - 58
:three: Chapter 3 59 - 81
:four: Chapter 4 83 - 107
:five: Chapter 5 109 - 122
:six: Chapter 6 123 - 149
:seven: Chapter 7 151 - 179
Content by Week Table
Thread Week # (Start) Entries Pages
:one: 1(1月12日) Chapter 1:「内と外」、「世間」 12 - 22
:one: 2(1月19日) Chapter 1:「しつけ」、「けじめ」 23 - 32
:one: 3(1月26日) Chapter 1:「素直」、「甘える」 33 - 40
:o: 4(2月2日) Chapter 2:「人目」、「恥」 42 - 52
:o:, :three: 5(2月9日) Chapter 2:「照れる」、 Chapter 3:「遠慮」 53 - 65
:three: 6(2月16日) Chapter 3:「気をつかう」、「人並み」 66 - 74
:three:, :four: 7(2月23日) Chapter 3:「空気を読む」、コラム①、 Chapter 4:「つきあい」 75 - 87
:four: 8(3月2日) Chapter 4:「愛想」、「礼儀」 88 - 96
:four: 9(3月9日) Chapter 4:「本音と建前」、「おかげさま」、コラム➁ 97 - 107
:five: 10(3月16日) Chapter 5:「控えめ」、「ほのめかす」、コラム➂ 110 - 122
:six: 11(3月23日) Chapter 6:「がんばる」、「根性」 124 - 133
:six: 12(3月30日) Chapter 6:「無理」、「修行」 134 - 141
:six:, :seven: 13(4月6日) Chapter 6:「武士道」、コラム➃、 Chapter 7:「品」 142 - 155
:seven: 14(4月13日) Chapter 7:「やまとなでしこ」、「派手・地味」 156 - 165
:seven: 15(4月20日) Chapter 7:「恩・義理」、「いさぎよい」、「もったいない」 166 - 179

I am happy that this time the author cited no expert who said 人目 and 恥 don’t exist in Western countries. So I can freely admit :sweat_smile: that I also think that both reduced with time.

But then I asked myself, is this actually the case? Maybe it’s just that the reduction comes with growing old and the sensitivity level of young people of each generation remained the same. And the author himself getting older with time - as we all - just therefore thinks sensitivity went down. What do you think?

Edit: But otoh the general level of sensitivity probably even increased in the younger generations as “their world“, the people whom they care about, got larger via the internet. But the text is probably pre-Social Network, so the author could not include this aspect.


imo it also depends on the context but overall I agree with this point


We have history from hundreds to thousands of years ago complaining about the “kids these days”. I take pretty much every one of these arguments with a huge grain of salt. Once both generations become historical it’s usually just the same complaints that every generation has about the next. :joy: