ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

For finished icon: :checkered_flag: and for ongoing :running_man:? :thinking:

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So tired. @.@ I’ll go ahead and set up the poll early; I’ll set it to auto-close on August 7. View the Nominations List here; be sure to scroll to the right; there’s a lot of information there! You’ve got 5 votes, so vote wisely!

~Poll under construction~


Ah, that’s pretty cute. :open_mouth: Would it be immediately obvious what they signified to a casual viewer though? Granted, I could always add a legend to the top of the post… :thinking:

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Any chance to add the nomination table numbers to the poll to make it more obvious?
It will probably reset the poll but so far I’m the only one that cast votes.

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Yeah, I think so. :thinking: Honestly I’d like to add the covers, but doing that for 20 options and keeping the formatting nice is kind of intimidating… Let me see what I can do.


Okay, the poll is back and better than ever. Let me know if I messed up somewhere, though it might be too late to change things at that point.

View the Nominations List here; be sure to scroll to the right; there’s a lot of information there! You’ve got 5 votes, so vote wisely! Poll closes automatically on August 7.

This is…quite the long boy now. o.o; Ah well; I can drop the covers in the future if it’s inconvenient.


Link in the op post to the poll should be outside Previous Polls IMHO.

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The text wraps a bit weirdly on mobile, but the covers are super helpful. Plz don’t drop them :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your hard work, and hope you get some rest soon!!


Sooo hard picking only 5! So many good options. Funny enough, 本好き is tied for winner again, at least for now. Excited to see how it turns out!


Good catch! Fixed!

Noted. :ok_hand:

Thank you!! It’s been a looong week at work. @.@ I am absolutely done.


This is so hard. Apart from like 3 I can participate in any of these, so choosing which ones I want to read the most is rough. :face_holding_back_tears:

ごゆっくり休んでね。 :green_heart:


Four way tie plus 7 more just one vote off :joy:


I’m strategically saving one of my votes for a couple I’m between, but so far is none of the top 4 :smiling_face_with_tear:


Runner-up poll and everyone gets 1 vote only. Let the meltdown battle begin.

black and white cat GIF


I just got gifted the first volumes of NHK ようこそ today so that was an easy pick! My other votes are based on nothing more than the covers and titles :grin:


Well now it’s just a 2-way, but the 3rd and 4th places are one vote each away from making it a 3 or 4 way tie again.


For future reference :eyes:


For those who lurk/post the WK forums, has this been advertised there in case someone wants to join?

Link to poll

I did check the first link about 2 years ago… I assume some of those changed since then but I can’t really tell.
I picked 聖女の魔力は万能です from there and I really enjoyed it. There are a few more that I had read on my own before that I would also recommend. 伯爵と妖精 is one of those series… even though things only started picking up from volume 2 when some more characters get introduced.
All that to say, that sounds like a good list haha.
(No idea about the other lists, but since it’s from the same people, maybe?)


The thing about book recommendations is, you need to figure out if the person likes/dislikes the same things as you do. Once you find those people, there recs will be pretty much spot on. Even if they are reverse, i.e. if you know person X dislikes all the books that you love and loves all the books that you dislike, this too is valuable for recs. :rofl:

For example, I have lost all faith in the recs coming from ほんタメ’s たくみ because one of the books he was hyping about was the worst book we have read in the mystery BC so far. :rofl: