Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

I think that the Exclude personal library filter is still broken.


yep! working on it, should be fixed by tomorrow :slight_smile:


Is there a bug for people’s inability to do additional gradings? I couldn’t find it… even though it’s been talked about here.

I looked into it and I can’t reproduce, so curious if people are still experiencing it.

I don’t know what the bug was, but the site offers me the grade extra button, though it doesn’t find anything to grade against. But that might be a me issue as I block a lot of things once they have reached a certain age, so I really might not have anything left to grade against.


Same thing here, except I definitely should have some extra gradings left, since I’ve never done any.


I’m finding the grade extra button again, tho others said, it doesn’t come up with anything else for me to grade

There isn’t an individual bug report. I’d make one, but I’m not still seeing the issue, and having trouble remembering where this got brought up (in order to check with the person who mentioned it first)


Ah I see~ I will check the actual grading screen then

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Here’s where it was brought up by @nativelearner - Do you trust Natively levels? - #77 by nativelearner - not sure if they’re experiencing it still

Related bug?


I just came across a weird bug that I feel like I’ve seen before. The level of a book in book search turned out to be different from the one on the book’s page. I thought it was the sorting by difficulty level bug at first, but 죽이고 싶은 아이 is actually L25 here.


Is there a product request for proper author handling so that clicking an author link goes to a dedicated author page and doesn’t just do a search?


I don’t think so… I did a quick search in Product Requests and nothing turned up either. That would be great to see tho!


As far as I know, as @暁のルナ said, no there isn’t.

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Alright, thanks for double checking since I couldn’t find one either. I’ll write one up in a bit.

EDIT: Done Add dedicated author page


Thanks all for that info about the extra gradings. Will try to take a look this week!

In other news, I made some alterations to the search page again, hopefully the initial load now is a bit quicker, but not too much change. I don’t think i’ll be able to make it feel ‘speedy’ until I finish my infrasture update unfortunately, so might be a couple of weeks.

I’ve also gone ahead and made the search header toggleable between item types (books / videos):

That was a part of the Video Game / Web book branch and I do continue to make progress on that feature as infrastructure work progresses. I got the addition process working, item pages and basic toggling of statuses. As I move into overhauling the profile page, I’ll incorporate updates for that feature too.

Heh, that’s an interesting case. Yeah, I was caching search results for a day to help with performance, but i’ve rolled that back, so you shouldn’t see anymore


I think there might be more to the level bug.

For example this L19 book 秋が きました | L19 has been showing up as L30?? on all searches for the past few weeks.

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interesting :thinking:

I just fixed that one but yeah that one was just not synced correctly. It wasn’t a search caching issue.

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I just requested an item but not I’m not sure if I should have.

It’s a Chinese drama that I’m watching with Japanese subs, but I guess in hindsight it shouldn’t be added since the dub is still Chinese?

On the other hand I watch most dramas on viki and they almost always have Japanese subs so i use it to watch a lot of Korean and Chinese dramas with Japanese subs which at least helps with reading comprehension I guess?

So my question is would sub only content be desirable or not to be indicated in searches?

I guess some kind of info about subs in other languages could be kind of useful?


I watch translated / dubbed things all the time, it’s totally fine. You are still immersing in the language :slight_smile:

I think you’re right that a ‘translated’ tag would make sense and I could generate that automatically for movies and TV. It’s a good idea for a product request if you want to open it. I don’t think it’s been requested!


Discourse is going really slow and throwing random error 502’s


And also this:


Same for me