Adding some of mine as well, especially since I’ve been planning on playing more in Japanese
ポケットモンスター ルビー / エメラルド L19
Both GBA - copying @eefara s description from her home post since it’s probably the best explanation on these games in Japanese
ポケットモンスター 赤 L20
Game Link
GB - same as the others but I will point out that this one has more weird slang words than other pokemon games so I put it a bit higher
Game Link
PC - the vocab itself has a tendency to spike sometimes but so far it’s not impossible to measure (in terms of vocab only I would put it L27).
The main difficulties lies in:
- the font which is difficult to recognize the kanji shape from if you don’t know it, so looking up kanji is extra difficult even if you have a good “by drawing” recognition.
- some of the content is times a.k.a the live chat administration mini game which makes reading and comprehensing fast enough necessary to some degree, even if it’s not impossible speed
Dead By Daylight L22?
Game Link
technically there’s another version for Switch/Mobile
Sometimes there are difficult words but overall the sentences, lore stories and the explanations are simple enough for N3 level.
Whenever I don’t understand something it has to do with them explaining things a bit weirdly and the game not always making sense on the first try, which happens in English as well, and from what I’ve understood to other people too.
Overall in terms of perk and power explanations, even if you don’t get things you can guess from in-game experience what they are, and there’s a lot of repetition on term use from the “daily rituals” or similar enough archive missions.
Fall Guys L19
Game Link
very little text and very repetitive, great opportunity for making Japanese gaming friends on twitter 募集 as long as you make sure they’re open to VC (they’ll say if it’s on discord or PSVC on the post)
頭痛 L30
I remember this having some difficult vocab words
里帰り L27
cute indie horror
廃村巡り L27
cute indie horror
milk inside a bag… L31
N1+ simply because not only are some of the kanji difficult, but the font itself makes it super hard to read, distinguish and even look up words you dont know
夜廻 L27
cute horror game
Note to self: add Cultist Simulator and Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of…
edit: there will be too many games if I add the games with levels here in the wiki so I want to create a proper wiki in another thread
edit2: cant 3 consecutive replies again
hi @meagstudies
weird question, would you mind turning this initial post into a wiki and I’ll create a table for all the games listed here?
I was planning on creating a new thread and it occurred to me that it’ll be kinda dumb since people posted it here anyways
if you feel like it’s unnecessary I’ll just create it in a new thread anyways
Using my own post as an example, I was thinking of doing something that looks like the following (was thinking to maybe even use icons or small logos instead of the words on “platforms”)