Week 3 - 徒然日和 - Yuri/GL/wlw book club

Welcome to week 3 of 徒然日和 1 | L21 :smile:

Schedule & Links

Week 3 Jan 19 2025
Chapter 3-4
Pages 71-118
Previous week Week 2
Next week Week 4
Home thread thread

Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
Are you joining us for Week 3?
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m reading along, but at my own pace
  • I’m just following the discussion
0 voters
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Uneventful chapter. I feel like this series would be more enjoyable by reading 2 chapters per week. Maybe if we read volumes 2 and 3 we can speed up.

(I read this over 4 years ago and probably read it faster, but I don’t really remember)


As far as I can tell everyone who’s currently reading (based on polls in last week’s thread and here) voted that they’re ok with 2 weeks.

So if everybody is ok with it, I’m happy to adjust starting this week or next. I’ll leave these open till Wednesday evening (EST), if that’s fine

Would you be ok with 2 chapters a week?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

EDIT: the next week choice should say (4-5)

If we change to 2 chapters, when should we change?
  • This week (ch 3-4)
  • Next week (ch 5-6)
0 voters

Assuming we do vol 2-3, if we’ve already sped up the pace by then, we’ll stick with it. If not, we’ll vote at the beginning

Chapter 3

I’m pretty sure I read just past the (棒) in the past without looking it up. Apparently it’s internet slang for speaking monotonously (in this case because she is very unconvincingly acting). It’s derived from 棒読み which seems to be related to reading Classical Chinese without really interpreting it, but that’s one rabbit hole I didn’t want to explore (at least not though native Japanese material).

Thinking about it, I’m not quite sure about くれますな (I mean grammatically, I understand the meaning). I think it’s a very casual form of くれませんか (would you please not …).

Initially I thought Mafuyu wanted to console Nanaya, just like Koharu did. Now I have another theory. She saw how Koharus attempt had the opposite effect and so copied it intentionally to deal even more damage. But that would be too savage, and the drawing conveys that she actually wants to console her.

And here I thought Nanaya had Mafuyu figured out.

I had been reading two chapters each week anyway. First one and two, then two and three.

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I’m catching up from having company stay with us for a week, which is the only reason I voted to start next week. But I’d be fine starting with two chapters this week this is a quick read *glares at Silent Witch*


Wouldn’t it be start this week or in two weeks anyway? Otherwise what happens to chapter 4?


No, I just messed up the poll :woman_facepalming: . “Meant to write Next Week (ch 4-5)”

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But then what would happen with chapter 6?

Read it the week after. It’s an uneven split either way

In that case, does speeding up matter?

(Unless we vote to read the second book and then combine with the first chapter of that)

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Starting next week shortens the overall duration by 1 week. Starting this week shortens the overall duration by 2 weeks.

To put it differently: if reading 2 chapters / wk = more enjoyable, then: Starting next week makes 1 week more enjoyable. Starting this week makes 2 weeks more enjoyable.

To me it seems worth it either way, but I’d prefer it to start this week, if we do speed up. I’m not currently reading tho.

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I changed my vote in that case.

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Well I went ahead and read chapter 4. I’ll hold off commenting about it until it’s confirmed that we’re reading it this week.

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I did the same, which is why I’m quiet. I forget what happened in which chapter since I read it all at once.

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Alright we’re on 2 chapters a week now. So this week = 3/4

Chapter 4

I didn’t understand what’s going on here. Did Mafuyu wear her middle school uniform for fun and giggles?

Didn’t understand this panel either.

I said I remembered Mafuyu to be a loner back in chapter 1. Now I know why. Her saying she didn’t have friends in middle school. Now would be a chance for Nanaya to tease her back, but it seems that would be too mean.

I thought the whole grades bit was pretty funny. Especially the faces.

I’m surprised Mafuyu didn’t choose the same elective as Koharu. I initially confused 楽(らく) and 楽しい(たのしい). I can see her choosing calligraphy because it seems easy, more so than because it’s fun. Personally, I also chose music over art when I was in school .

chapter 4

judging by the way the other students are dressed, it doesn’t seem like they have a designated school vest, so Mafuyu is probably wearing it just because she can.

I think that, after Nanaya admitted to feeling lonely, Mafuyu is saying something like “Then please come with us” (since Koharu invited her earlier) but in a very playful manner, and maybe also to tease her.

and Nanaya replies angrily because of the sudden change in mood.

Chapter 4

The part I don’t understand is in the visuals, I guess. Mafuyu raises her left hand just like Koharu did to show she is also lonely. Understood. But then why is she blowing and stretching out her right hand, which Nanaya slaps? And what does どうぞ mean here?