🪄 Die kleine Hexe 🧙‍♀️ Home Thread

Welcome to the first book pick by the Beginner Book Club, Die kleine Hexe!

Useful Links

Reading Schedule

Week Start Date Chapters
Week 1 May 20 1-3
Week 2 May 27 4-6
Week 3 June 3 7-9
Week 4 June 10 10-12
5 June 17 13-15
6 June 24 16-18
7 July 1 19 & 20

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.


Will you be reading along with us?
  • Yes! :smile:
  • Maybe… :thinking:
  • I’m just here for the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters
What format will you be using?
  • Physical Book
  • Ebook
  • Audiobook
0 voters
Which edition will you be reading?
  • The regular edition
  • The simplified edition
0 voters
Which language are you reading in?
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Other
0 voters

Start Date

When would you like to start reading?
  • May 20
  • May 27
  • June 3
  • June 10
  • Later
0 voters

Reading Pace

:warning: If anyone has chapter/page/percent info for the regular edition (physical or ebook), please let me know! I only have the simplified version to hand, but it would be nice to have the information available before we decide on pace. :slightly_smiling_face:

Chapter Page # of pages # of pages with ext Chapter
Page # of pages
1 5 6 3 Intro + 1 4 7
2 11 6 3.5 2 11 5
3 17 4 3 3 16 3
4 21 6 3 4 19 3
5 27 4 2.5 5 22 2
6 31 4 2.5 6 24 3
7 35 5 4 7 27 4
8 40 5 4 8 31 3
9 45 5 4 9 34 3
10 50 6 4 10 37 5
11 56 6 4 11 42 3
12 62 7 5 12 45 3
13 69 3 2.5 13 48 2
14 72 4 3.5 14 50 3
15 76 5 3.5 15 53 3
16 81 7 4.5 16 56 4
17 88 5 4.5 17 60 3
18 93 5 3.5 18 63 3
19 98 7 4.5 19 66 5
20 105 5 3 20 71 3

Chapters are roughly 4 pages long, so here are estimates of how long it would take to read for different paces.

Chapters per week # of pages (approx.) # of weeks to read
1 4 20
2 8 10
3 12 7
4 16 5
5 20 4
How many chapters would you like to read per week?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 or more
0 voters

I just ordered the physical regular edition. It should arrive tomorrow. When I have it, I will post the information here. :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure if I read this a a kid or not, part of the description sounds familiar (the bit about being too young at 127 feels definitely stirred up some sort of memory), but I don’t own the book anymore at least. I will try to get my hands on the audiobook I think it might be nice to listen going to sleep.


I’m glad you mentioned this - I looked it up on Onleihe (if you’re in Germany and part of a library this is part of your access) has the Hörspiel. I don’t know how true this is to the book, so I’ll be a bit cautious in my comments, but I’ll give it a whirl.

If at the end of a week someone writes approximately what scene just happened that might be helpful, as otherwise I won’t know where I am relative to the book club…

I found 2, and these are different from the audiobooks versions linked on amazon.

Here’s the version I will try first

I can’t find a commercial version for this one (maybe not surprising, it seems it was produced with a radio station), it’s definitely different from the version that has a similar cover on Amazon. There’s a YouTube version here, maybe something to come back to after you read it, then sit back and enjoy the performance :slight_smile:

This is a different one, but the sample also sounded good:

The Amazon link for the second one

They have music, sound effects, and professional voice actors, they both sound really good. Potentially something for people at the intermediate/advanced level, as I can imagine the voices/accents being overwhelming at the beginning.


I have (and have already read) the picture book (simplified version??). Anyway, I’ll probably just be following along, but can chime in if anyone has any questions about my version.


Not just voice actors, but actual actors. This seems to be the “audiobook” of a movie. So it is the audio track of the movie with additional narration.

Edit: and according to reviews the plot was adjusted (when comparing book and movie) - which is nothing new for movies I guess.


Oh I should have read the description! Thanks for letting me know that’s so interesting! I’ll see if my library has the book then as it sounds like my version might be going a bit off piste


My book arrived and I looked through it to count the pages. There is no intro and it directly starts with the first chapter. Because there are many illustrations, I added a column with “number of pages with text” for each chapter. It is just an approximate count of course because the first page of a chapter always has some blank space at the beginning and not every illustration is a whole or half page.

I hope it helps :blush:

I have the physical hardcover version of https://learnnatively.com/book/a2ccd2d330/

chapter page # of pages # of pages with text
1 5 6 3
2 11 6 3,5
3 17 4 3
4 21 6 3
5 27 4 2,5
6 31 4 2,5
7 35 5 4
8 40 5 4
9 45 5 4
10 50 6 4
11 56 6 4
12 62 7 5
13 69 3 2,5
14 72 4 3,5
15 76 5 3,5
16 81 7 4,5
17 88 5 4,5
18 93 5 3,5
19 98 7 4,5
20 105 5 3

:warning: Vote on Reading Pace! :warning:

Follow the link above to vote on how many chapters you want to read per week, and also on the start date if you haven’t already - next week is currently leading the polls, so we may be starting soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Nicole216 Thank you for the page numbers! :heart:


I voted on 6 or more because the chapters are so short but it feels a bit unfair since I am way above the beginner level lol…I feel like I shouldn’t vote? Like the pace should be set according the lower levels right?


Since there’s interest from people reading in other languages, the threads will be posted in All Languages. :slightly_smiling_face:

@earwen Sorry it’s taken so long to reply! :sweat_smile: Anyone that plans to read along can vote regardless of their level. Since the book club is aimed at beginners, I’d imagine that the results for these kinds of polls would tend to be on the slower side. Of course, you can still read at whatever pace you like, and join in the discussion when the threads are posted. :smiling_face:

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“wollen wir wetten” aged badly to put it kindly.

Btw no weekly post this week? Perhaps we can continue just from this thread as there aren’t many replies per thread.

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