A continuation to this post Book club suggestions - #132 by shablul
(If there’s more than 1 nominator except me then I’ll add to the informal club index as well, maybe it’ll gain traffic?)
Current Club Status Reading レモン味のラムネ
Voting Open!!
Schedule (open for changes):
8 September we start reading 私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている
24 November we start reading レモン味のラムネ
1st of February we start どうも、好きな人に惚れ薬を依頼された魔女です。
1st of April we start クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった
1st of June we start 金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~
About voting:
Each person gets 2 votes (one less than the nominations you make)
Some of the nominations whose Proof Of Quality is that they have an official publication will have natively levels for those novel versions.
Please take into account when voting or relying on these levels that there are a lot of cases where the comperhensive level between the web version and novel version is VERY different so don’t assume that the level is accurate in any way, take it as a “possibility that considering the subject and author it might be something close to this level” (my example with Re:Zero from the Nomination Rules is probably the most famous one I know of)
Nomination Rules:
Important to note before you nominate;
- About Content Warning - unless it’s made very obvious from the theme or is added by the author we have no way to know of content warnings.
If someone here has severe phobias or reactions to some themes you might want to read at a slower pace than others and potentially rely on them to warn you if that “something” makes an appearance (either by asking the forum or asking someone specific in DMs or something, I don’t mind being relied on for this kind of matters either so feel free!)
- There is no much indication to levels in some of these novels, and while the famous ones will have people who read and tried for us to have an indication, this will still remain one of the “big reds” I think
I don’t have much of an idea how to play around that honestly (to be fair the only reason we can do this kind of things with less known material another clubs is practically because natively made it possible Brandon the absolute savior, thank you )
- Regarding the previous point - this will be relevant regardless if it was published previously or not since publication purposely edit these novels for a variety of reasons
(for example: I know from a very well read friend, one who passed N1 without too much trouble, who read the web version of re:zero that it’s MUCH more difficult than the official publication, a.k.a the publication made it more “accessible”)
- For those worried on this last point - one way to “close the gap” are the relevant addons added in the list below this
Nomination Rules;
- Nominations will need to be added with some sort of Proof of Quality which can be one of the following;
(1) the nominating person themselves read this work and can guarantee quality,
(2) a formal publication or adaptation of some form,
(3) a significant amount of following (2K at least),
(4) the author being well known for a relevant reason (for example: レモン味のラムネ is a novel written by a YouTuber named Yudai-sensei that teaches Japanese, with a particular emphasis on pitch accent, but overall also tutors and does quizzes on Japanese grammar and etc. It should be noted that he uses novels he writes as material for teaching pitch accent in his channel which makes it very effective for learning and easy to check out in terms of content),
(5) in case the nomination comes from a friends recommendation please ask them for some general synopsis and add it so that we can make sure it’s relevant and not just something they’ve heard of from another someone,
(6) it has an entry in either novelupdates or jpdb
nominations that don’t pass any of these conditions can be negotiated, but make sure it’s something legit and not a “it sounds interesting” or “I heard about it on a forum” and etc (if that really is the reason for the nomination you can just read a chapter or two and pass condition (1))
Each person can nominate up to 3 works
nominations that weren’t chosen automatically get added to the next cycle
if we read the start of something - continuing it can be a nomination in itself (or you can choose to offshoot lol)
as of now we will only accept Web Novels (with a huge “maybe” potential for Web comics, fan comics or fanfics, depending on how things go)
Regarding how much we decide to we read - we can filter things that have already finished or adjust “reading x number of chapters” that will look reasonable enough for what we specifically decide to read after the voting is done
If the person who nominated wants to make a schedule let me know! Either me or them can do so and create the appropriate thread with the info accordingly to that
Nomination Template:
**Title**: [Title](Put the link here)
**Platform**: [syosetu](https://syosetu.com/)/[pixiv novel](https://www.pixiv.net/novel)/[estar](https://estar.jp/)/[alphapolis](https://www.alphapolis.co.jp/)/[kakuyomu](https://kakuyomu.jp/)/[other](insert link for other) - leave the relevant site
**Current length:** <chapters-number> Chapters, <characters-number> Characters/Words (leave relevant counter), Completed/Not Completed (leave relevant answer)
[details="Short Synopsis"]
A synopsis either in Japanese or English
[details="Content warnings"]
If you know of any
[details="Proof Of Quality"]
without this the nomination won't be accepted! see Nomination Rules
**Reason(s) for nominating**: Share the reason you are nominating this book - it might persuade others to vote for it!
- Note Regarding Natively levels: if your nomination has an official publication with a natively page and level you can add it in the nomination as a ‘side note maybe level’ - please see “About voting” for more details on this specific note
My own nomination for レモン味のラムネ as an example
Relevant Resources:
Platforms for Web Novels:
pixiv novel
DB sources we use:
Prebuilt decks for Web Novels – jpdb
The Novel Updates site - Web Novels
The “can’t be added to natively” wiki for web novels, comics and etc** - any nominations we will have I will probably add here so if you do that on your own I’ll DM a cat pic as a thank you reward
Yomichan - Note that this is unmaintained and has a successor Yomitan
other programs
Anki PC Program/Web version
Anki Connect - an interface between Yomichan/tan and the PC Anki version
Some interesting things about webnovels that aren't webnovels:
Found an interesting guy on Medium that talks about Japanese Web Novels!!!
30 Years of Japanese Web Novels. Introduction. | by Ichishi Iida(飯田一史) | Medium
He wrote about the history of it a bit in the site, and I guess he edited it and added more since he published it in Japanese! (added to my wishlist lol)
ウェブ小説30年史 日本の文芸の「半分」
In general he seems to be a free writer that researches and writes regarding the publication history in Japan including some more specific aspects, such as web novels, manga and children books!
飯田一史 twitter account -
another interesting thing I found is a research on Japanese web novels, have yet to read it but did download.
in case someone else is interested
Past nomination lists and votes
1st Cycle Nominations
1st Cycle votes
1st Cycle - How long for the first series and which one to start with
2nd Cycle Nominations
Works we’ve Read/are Reading;
Order | Title+Link | Status | Nomination Post | Home Thread |
1 | 私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている | Finished | ||
2 | レモン味のラムネ | In Progress | ||
3 | どうも、好きな人に惚れ薬を依頼された魔女です。 | Upcoming February | ||
4 | クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった | Upcoming April | ||
5 | 金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~ | Upcoming June |