📚 bibliothecary's bibliophilia 📚 language log 🇰🇷 🇯🇵 🇨🇳

:sparkles: January :sparkles:

Goals :trophy:

  • Finish Anki reviews every day
  • Catch up / keep up with book clubs

Book Clubs :books:

Oversubscribed and fallen behind! :crazy_face:

:snowflake: Taking a break over the holiday season :slightly_smiling_face:

Book Club
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9

Finished This Month :white_check_mark:


:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:studio_microphone: podcast
:cd: drama CD
:speaker: condensed audio
:repeat: re-read/watch/listen
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon
:hourglass_flowing_sand: waiting to be added to Natively
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively

There are a lot of items that aren’t on Natively for various reasons (unsupported language / format, not listed on Amazon / Yes24, etc). Rather than mark them individually, anything that doesn’t have a Natively link (which includes the level) can be assumed to be excluded from Natively.

Textbook · 교과서 · 教科書 · 课本 · หนังสือเรียน

Graded Reader · 수준별 독본 · 語彙制限本 · 分级读物

:de: Eva, Wien: Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Leseheft (Hueber Lese-Novelas) | L17?? :memo: :headphones:
:jp: The Jam Maker eps 1-3
:cn: Little Fox Chinese 6 chs

Children’s Book · 동화책 · 児童書 · 儿童书 · หนังสือเด็ก

Comics · 만화 · 漫画 · 漫画 · การ์ตูน

:jp: ふくふくふにゃ~ん (series) | L10 vols. 9-12
:jp: スーと鯛ちゃん 6 | L12
:jp: パスカルとバラの木 | L20 :memo:
:kr: 마모 :rabbit:
:jp: 柴くんとシェパードさん | L20 :memo:

Novel · 소설 · 小説 · 小说 · นวนิยาย

Non-fiction · 논픽션 · ノンフィクション · 非小说类 · หนังสือสารคดี

Other Books · 다른 책 · 他書 · 别的书 · หนังสืออื่นๆ

TV Show · 텔레비전 프로그램 · テレビ番組 · 电视节目 · รายการโทรทัศน์

:de: Bob's Burgers | L25?? S1-10
:de: Futurama S1 | L30??
:de: Die Simpsons S1 | L25??
:de: Revenge S1 | L30??

Movie · 영화 · 映画 · 电影 · ภาพยนตร์

:de: Zurück nach Hause: Die unglaubliche Reise | L25??
:cn: 阿拉丁

Listening · 듣기 · 聞く · 听力 · การฟัง

:jp: Nihongo con Teppei eps 624-640 :studio_microphone:
:jp: 柴くんとシェパードさん | L20 :cd:

Visual Novel · 비주얼 노벨 · ビジュアルノベル · 视觉小说 · วิชวลโนเวล

Pages Read

Jan 1 Jan 31 Diff
:kr: 12,486 12,531 45
:jp: 13,764 14,837 1,073
:de: 434 531 97

Revisiting this post after you updated it with more VNs: good luck and stay safe with the Nitro+Chiral stuff. :saluting_face: Gakuen Heaven has a really passionate pair of fan translators (Tumblr. They used to have an awesome website, but it seems to be down. :frowning: ), so I’ve wanted to play that for a long time as well.

And Nameless (in the Korean section) is really good! The company also has another VN called Dandelion -Wishes brought to you- that I also really enjoyed. It’s a stat-raiser though, so ymmv. They’ve also got a mobile title called Mystic Messenger you may want to check out if you haven’t already.

Man, there was a period of time when I was playing a ton of otome/BL titles… I miss those days.


Thanks for all the info! I’m looking forward to getting into this new hobby… :smile:

1 Like

OMG, I just read your review. What a wild story for a graded reader!


It makes a nice change from the usual graded reader fare! :rofl:


In a slump, not much progress in anything really (S.A.D. kicking in… hello darkness my old friend) :melting_face:

I’m approaching 100 hours watched in German binging Bob's Burgers | L25??… Let’s pretend that’s an achievement. :smiling_face_with_tear:


ymmv, but I have an under desk treadmill and walking an absurd amount (~20k steps/daily) has really helped keep this under control for me this year. Not something I’d wanna keep up all year necessarily, but if it works for Jan/Feb I’m down. Happy lights do nothing for me. :confused:


I’m ready for spring myself; I want to go walking in the sunshine again and not freeze my butt off. :sparkles:

I’d say so. I’ve watched, like 15 hours of stuff in Japanese my whole language-learning career, so you’ve got me beat.


They make me irrationally angry, so that kinda defeats the purpose…


I just had to temporarily relocate to my hometown further South because crappy weather means pollution spikes in my city and apparently my lungs don’t like that. And now, seeing the sun, the sky actually not foggy/cloudy, I can’t believe it. Even the temperature shift is crazy, and that changes everything. It’s like a whole new world, where people still have motivation do do things.


So after a few weeks of not being able to do anything except watch TV, the winter blues seem to have passed for this year (fingers crossed). January wasn’t a total washout, though - 100+ hours of German TV (see, I was still “studying”! :rofl:) and 1k+ pages of Japanese (mostly manga). :sunglasses:

Although I like the idea of having a fixed study schedule and reading one book at a time, I think I have to accept that’s just not how my brain works. I like the freedom of just pinging around like a pinball, reading a chapter of this, watching an episode of that; whenever I try to limit my focus, I just end up procrastinating and nothing is accomplished. :sweat_smile: So I’m gonna embrace the fact that my “currently reading/watching” numbers are just going to keep increasing… :books:

I recently noticed ttsu has a timer function; while I hate the feeling of being timed while reading, this is pretty unobtrusive, so I might be persuaded to use it regularly. :thinking: I tried it with 今日からマのつく自由業! | L32 - my 2k character/hour reading rate means I should finish the book in no more than 50 hours! :rofl:


:wind_chime: February :wind_chime:

Book Clubs :books:

Finished This Month :white_check_mark:


:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:studio_microphone: podcast
:cd: drama CD
:speaker: condensed audio
:repeat: re-read/watch/listen
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon
:hourglass_flowing_sand: waiting to be added to Natively
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively

There are a lot of items that aren’t on Natively for various reasons (unsupported language / format, not listed on Amazon / Yes24, etc). Rather than mark them individually, anything that doesn’t have a Natively link (which includes the level) can be assumed to be excluded from Natively.

Textbook · 교과서 · 教科書 · 课本 · หนังสือเรียน

Graded Reader · 수준별 독본 · 語彙制限本 · 分级读物

Children’s Book · 동화책 · 児童書 · 儿童书 · หนังสือเด็ก

:kr: https://learnnatively.com/book/c335191d20/ :memo:
:kr: https://learnnatively.com/book/54881069c6/ :memo:
:kr: 할머니의 비밀 일기 | L18 :memo:
:kr: 너의 유니버스 | L24 :memo:
:kr: 이 세상에서 제일 예쁜 못난이 | L18 :memo:
:kr: 어른 세계에 온 걸 환영해 | L20 :memo:
:kr: 하멜른의 아이들 | L18 :memo:
:kr: 이게 뭘까? | L15 :memo:
:kr: 눈 오는 날 | L23 :memo:
:kr: 파벨 아저씨의 개 | L19 :memo:
:kr: 세상을 비추는 아이들 | L11 :memo:
:kr: https://learnnatively.com/book/e568b4c7a2/ :memo:
:kr: https://learnnatively.com/book/63d9687978/ :memo:
:kr: 우리 집 의자 | L4 :memo:
:kr: 이상한 과자 가게 전천당 1 | L24 :memo:
:kr: 일 퍼센트 | L26 :memo:
:kr: 간니닌니 마법의 도서관 1 | L22 :memo:
:kr: 아저씨와 고양이 1 | L17 :memo:
:kr: 명 바꾸기 | L27 :memo:

Comics · 만화 · 漫画 · 漫画 · การ์ตูน

:kr: https://learnnatively.com/book/b3b0bd71df/ :memo:
:kr: 어느 날, 문득 :rabbit:

Novel · 소설 · 小説 · 小说 · นวนิยาย

Non-fiction · 논픽션 · ノンフィクション · 非小说类 · หนังสือสารคดี

Other Books · 다른 책 · 他書 · 别的书 · หนังสืออื่นๆ

TV Show · 텔레비전 프로그램 · テレビ番組 · 电视节目 · รายการโทรทัศน์

:de: Bob's Burgers S11 | L25??

Movie · 영화 · 映画 · 电影 · ภาพยนตร์

Listening · 듣기 · 聞く · 听力 · การฟัง

Visual Novel · 비주얼 노벨 · ビジュアルノベル · 视觉小说 · วิชวลโนเวล

Pages Read

Feb 1 Feb 29 Diff
:kr: 12,531 14,009 1,478
:jp: 14,837 14,972 135
:de: 531 531 -

That’s just like 2 days of reading; easy-peasy.


Got my haul from mandarake today! I’m too lazy to take a photo (also don’t have any surfaces free of books to lay them out :rofl:), but I’ve added them to my owned books if anyone wants to take a look.

The majority of the books were only 10 yen, and I’m just amazed how secondhand books from Japan that cost almost nothing are in better condition than new, full-price books from Amazon, 100% of the time. :upside_down_face:


Hard agree. It’s a bit of a generalization, but used Japanese books have just about always been almost indistinguishable from new in my experience.

Buying a used English book, marked as “Good” condition: dog chewed on it, owner stomped on book until the book was dry.

Buying a used Japanese book, marked as “Good” condition: owner breathed in same room as book. Opened it once.


I’ve never ordered books from Amazon (I use cdjapan for my physical buys mostly) but I’ve heard they don’t package them well and can arrive horribly banged up :scream:

There was a time before I knew where to buy books from though so I just used ebay, though, and that was…interesting. I got one book that looked fine but smelled horribly of mildew. I ended up freezing it for a few weeks in order to kill off the pores or whatever else was causing that :melting_face:


I’m curious: did you only buy volumes 1 and 3? Or just forgot to mark #2?

I think I’ve gotten lucky with eBay; haven’t found a corpse in a book yet.


I’ve also found a dead spider pressed in a book I was looking at (in a secondhand store) :rofl:




Still has obi, bookmark, and promo materials.

#2 wasn’t in stock, but there are other volumes for 10 yen - I might just buy all the cheap random volumes and try to fill in the missing books later. :grin:


I love finding things in old books, but usually it’s old train tickets, notes, letters… Not insect potpourri. :sob: