🐺 Home Thread for 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Welcome to the book club for 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム!

Children’s Book Club Home

:jp: Natively page: 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム | L25

Summary - Japanese

<小学中級から すべての漢字にふりがなつき >

Summary - English

On the way back from a camping trip, five classmates and their chaperone, unable to return home due to a landslide, end up staying in a mysterious Western-style mansion. However, the mansion’s owner, who calls himself “the Count,” declares the start of a “Werewolf Game.” The rules are simple: identify the werewolf disguised as one of the group and decide by vote. However, if the chosen person is not the werewolf, that person will be eaten by the wolf…

Escape is impossible until the correct answer is found. The ultimate survival game has begun! Will they trust their friends, or betray them? In this ultimate game, the courage, intelligence, and true friendship of the boys and girls will be tested!

<For upper elementary students, with furigana provided for all kanji>

Club Schedule

Week Start Date Chapter Pages Page Count Last Words Before Paragraph End
Week 1 Nov 16 登場人物紹介 + 序章 + 1 4-15 11 …大きな洋館だった。
Week 2 Nov 23 1 cont. 15-31 17
Week 3 Nov 30 2 32-41 10 …、赤くなった顔を隠した。
Week 4 Dec 7 2 cont. 42-50 9
Week 5 Dec 14 3 51-66 16
Week 6 Dec 21 4 67-78 12
Week 7 Dec 28 5 79-88 ~10 …といいね。」
Week 8 Jan 4 5 cont. 88-98 ~10
Week 9 Jan 11 6 99-115 17
Week 10 Jan 18 7 116-131 16
Week 11 Jan 25 8 132-151 20
Week 12 Feb 1 9 152-164 13
Week 13 Feb 8 10 165-178 14
Week 14 Feb 15 11 179-203 25
Week 15 Feb 22 12 + あとがき 204-219 16

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
Will you be reading along when the club starts?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
0 voters
What type of media will you be consuming the book as?
  • Physical
  • eBook
0 voters
Are you ordering a physical copy and need time for it to arrive?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If so, how long do you think shipping will take?
  • About one week
  • About two weeks
  • About three weeks
  • About four weeks
  • More than a month
0 voters

If anyone does already have their copy and wouldn’t mind copying down chapter breakdowns, I’d be appreciative!

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This has been on my wishlist for a while, but I’m trying to keep myself out of more bookclubs by only reading things I already own or nominate myself. I’m still hoping it goes on Kindle Unlimited (or more than 50% off sale) before we start so I can break my rules :sweat_smile:


@Legato made the home thread a wiki so you can edit it freely

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Are you spying on me? :stuck_out_tongue:


Since @eefara has already set up the polls to figure out when to start (thanks!), all that’s left to do is to figure out the reading pace.

The physical book has 224 pages in total.

So, here are two polls to gauge the mood and reading ability. These will be used as guidelines to select the schedule; I’m not gonna blindly take the most voted for option. (E.g. if most people would “be okay” with 13 weeks, but it turns out that would be too fast for several readers, we will probably go with 15 or 20 weeks instead.)

I’d be okay with…

  • 8 weeks (30 pages/week)
  • 13 weeks (20 pages/week)
  • 15 weeks (15 pages/week)
  • 20 weeks (10 pages/week)
0 voters

Select all options you think would be alright for the club. You can select as many as you want. Selecting slower options even if you are able to read quickly can open up the club for slower participants.

I think the fastest speed I could read at would be…

  • Less than 10 pages per week
  • 10 pages/week (~20 weeks)
  • 15 pages/week (~15 weeks)
  • 20 pages/week (~13 weeks)
  • 30 pages/week or more (~8 weeks)
0 voters

The concrete schedules I’m suggesting

Here’s what I think about schedules:

  • The beginning, especially the first week, should be gentle so that everyone (especially beginning readers) can get familiar with the setting, the characters, the writing style and the grammar and vocab the author likes to use.
  • After a while, when everybody is settled, it’s fine to raise the speed.
  • No weird inter-chapter weeks. Reading “the end of chapter 2 and the start of chapter 3” in a week makes for awkward breaks.

Here’s the chapter breakdown based on my digital copy:

Chapter % of pages approximate physical page count
1 10.95% 25
2 9.68% 22
3 7.02% 16
4 6.20% 14
5 10.22% 23
6 7.51% 17
7 7.48% 17
8 9.90% 22
9 7.07% 16
10 5.14% 12
11 10.58% 24
12 3.90% 9

8 weeks (~30 pages/week), a.k.a. “I wanna know who the werewolf is ASAP”

Week Chapter approximate physical page count
1 1 25
2 2 22
3 3+4 30
4 5 23
5 6+7 34
6 8 22
7 9+10 28
8 11+12 31

13 weeks (~20 pages/week), a.k.a. “one chapter per week”

Week Chapter approximate physical page count
1 1 10
2 1 cont. 15
3 2 22
4 3 16
5 4 14
6 5 23
7 6 17
8 7 17
9 8 22
10 9 16
11 10 12
12 11 24
13 12 9

15 weeks (~15 pages/week; some chapters speed up later), a.k.a. “one chapter per week with a more gentle first half”

Week Chapter approximate physical page count
1 1 10
2 1 cont. 15
3 2 11
4 2 cont. 11
5 3 16
6 4 14
7 5 11
8 5 cont. 12
9 6 17
10 7 17
11 8 22
12 9 16
13 10 12
14 11 24
15 12 9

20 weeks (~10 pages/week; some chapters speed up later)

Week Chapter approximate physical page count
1 1 5
2 1 cont. 10
3 1 cont. 10
4 2 11
5 2 cont. 11
6 3 8
7 3 cont. 8
8 4 7
9 4 cont. 7
10 5 11
11 5 cont. 12
12 6 17
13 7 17
14 8 11
15 8 cont. 11
16 9 16
17 10 12
18 11 12
19 11 cont. 12
20 12 9

An attempt to tempt you a little bit more: Books with mystery elements like “who’s the werewolf?” are often much more fun when you can speculate with others in a club. And since you’ll probably read it anyway at some point since it’s already on your wishlist - it might be worth to break your rules here even if it doesn’t go on sale. It’s probably the opportunity to enjoy it the most!


Ugh you’re gonna convince me to read it :joy::joy:
I have a bit of time until we start to finish up some other stuff I’m reading, so it might go on sale or maybe I’ll just read it anyway


My copy arrived today :tada: I’m really looking forward to reading it with everyone.


I ordered my copy yesterday! Thought it was funny, CDJapan’s ‘based on this order you might like’ category was showing me almost entirely WK book club picks. They’re watching us :eye:


Hello CDJapan, please do a short sale so that @shitsurei has an excuse to join us. Thanks!


I’d be ok with a digital copy so if it wants to go on sale at Amazon, that would also be ok :wink:


My copy came today! わくわく


Looking at how long of a series this is I’m also curious about the mystery of how those kids continue to stumble into what I assume are more werewolf death games. Are they super unlucky? Is there something in it for them? Is their world just full of werewolf death games? Guess it’ll still be a while until I will find out… :thinking:

(Until then in my mind it’s “Let’s never go back to werewolf death game mansion!”, epilogue, next book: “Let’s go back to the mansion!” like in Tom Cardy’s Jurassic Park song :laughing:)


I saw the rest of the series when I was browsing earlier and had the same question. The (possible) quantity of werewolf death games in this world reminds me of those British murder mysteries where there are hundreds of episodes of murders happening in the same small town, and you start wondering why everyone in this town is dying and why no one seems to have noticed.


I knew there was more than one but I didn’t realise the series was that long xD I’m guessing that the whole thing is not all werewolf death games and some are them trying to stop the Count. But it might just be a new game each book I guess, though I would have thought that would be too repetitive. My guess is there is a bigger story that is going to unfold and the werewolf death game is more of a setting to introduce the reoccurring characters throughout the whole series.


Looking at the titles, I think the chance of them all being werewolf games is at least moderately high. All of them have 「〇〇の人狼ゲーム」 in the extended title. But I’d also think that would become repetitive rather quickly, so maybe the author’s interpretation of a werewolf game is extraordinarily flexible? :thinking:


By the way, in case you’re still interested in reading the book and haven’t found this thread yet, @Biblio, @KawLost, @em, @meagstudies, @taiyousea, @haixis - don’t forget to vote on how long shipping will take and how fast you think you can read when you find the time.

(I’m tagging you because voted for it - if you changed your mind since then, sorry for the ping.)


I hadn’t even looked at the extended titles for fear of possible spoilers xD Thats interesting :thinking: yeah, the author’s interpretation of a werewolf game probably is quite flexible with so many books.


Perhaps the books all feature different characters? I haven’t looked at them, but ~17 books with the same characters and premise would be surprising and difficult to pull off.